We’re back! After a little summer time off (we missed you all!) we’re back with a new Spawned podcast episode, chatting candidly with Laurie Gelman, humor writer, mom of two, former broadcaster, and current author of the hilarious new Class Mom: A Novel.

It’s “loosely” (yeah, right) based on her own experiences as a class mom for many years. She’s sharing the pettiness and the perks, the reason she was fired (what?!) and the reason she took the job again.

Beyond being a masochist.

Take a listen to the latest episode of Spawned here:

A few highlights from the show

Class Mom: A Novel. Very funny read by Laurie Gelman

-Buy the Class Mom book from our affiliate Amazon, or in your local indie bookseller. It’s funny!

-How to make the class mom’s (or dad’s!) job easier.

-The funniest emails Laurie sent to her classes.

-True class mom confessions: Do they keep a mental list of who forgets to bring in the forks?

-Why Signup Genius and Paypal are lifesavers. For all parents.

-Why Liz should never ever be a class mom.

-Should a class parent job be run more like a monarchy or a democracy?

-The difference between class moms and class dads: A gross overgeneralization.

The best teacher gifts according to actual teachers

– Easy, inexpensive ways to make teacher appreciation gifts more special

-Kristen’s excellent title idea for the Class Mom sequel.


About Our Sponsor

JCPenney's Pair Up Program helps donate much-needed underwear and socks to kids in need for every pack purchases | sponsored message

This episode of Spawned is brought to you by JCPenney and their fantastic PairUp program. In partnership with Ys around the country, for every pack of socks and underwear you’ll buy, they’ll donate a pack to kids in need around the country — up to 750,000 pairs!

Just shop between now and August 15 online or at JCPenney stores. It’s a  great reason to get the basics you’ll need anyway.

And hey, visit our JCP back-to-school shopping mini-guides, featuring dozens of our own, carefully curated picks for the coolest, affordable gear for preschool, grade-schoolers…and coming up next week, tweens and teens.

Cool Picks of the Week

Spawned show cool picks of the week: Layout by Instagram, the excellent free photo collage app

Laurie: Layout by Instagram, the easy photo collage app.

Kristen: Cool solar eclipse party ideas to make all that waiting on August 21 a little more fun for kids.

Liz: Donors Choose helps classrooms in need fund essential school supplies and important curriculum experiences for kids, with a few tips on how to select some of the most rewarding campaigns. (And a big shout-out to Timothy Simons for giving them a plug on Twitter. How cool is The Colbert Show for giving a gift card to Donors Choose out to their guests?)


Top photo: Kristina Flour on Unsplash