Every December, we love seeking out the funniest Christmas cards and holiday cards out there, and this year is no different.

I mean hey, we adore the holidays, but let’s be real, they can be a bit…stressful. So thank goodness for cookies and cocktails and more cookies and more cocktails and really outstanding wit and humor to help get us through it.

Oh, and no “Santa’s chestnuts” or “naughty reindeer games” jokes in these cards because come on. Those are like so 2013.
Liz + Georgette

Related: Welcome to our 2017 Holiday Gift Guide! Hundreds of gift ideas for everyone on your list

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Batman Smells Christmas Card (Debbie Draws Funny; at top)
We can’t stop laughing! Even your kids will love this one.


Nailed It: Funniest Christmas Cards

Nailed It Christmas Lights Card (Debbie Draws Funny)
The struggle is real.

Funny Christmas Cards: Kardashians and those darn snapchat filters

Snapchat Filter Kardashian Christmas Card (Nocturnal Paper)
Hey, she’s a woman of simple means.

Funniest holiday cards | First Draft Frosty Holiday Card (Emily McDowell) 

First Draft Frosty Holiday Card (Emily McDowell)
Because we’ve entered the age of “fixed it for you.”


Stranger Things Christmas Card: "Run" is basically the perfect sentiment! | funniest holiday cards

Stranger Things “Run” Christmas Card (Champaign Paper)
There are a ton of “This Christmas Goes to Eleven” cards out there, but this one works…on a lot of levels.


You Sleigh Beyonce Christmas Card

You Sleigh Beyonce Christmas Card (GNODpop)
Perfection. Though the middle fingers would be cool for certain friends.


funniest holiday cards | Christmas Cheer card by Top Hat and Monocle

Christmas Cheer Card (Top Hat and Monocle)
With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s important to find the Christmas cheer sweet spot.


Maxine Waters Christmas Card: Reclaiming my chime. Love this!

Funny Maxine Waters Christmas Card (Amelia Street Studio)
Best feminist Christmas card ever.

Funny Star Wars Christmas Card: Felt Your Presents

Funny Star Wars Christmas Presents Card (Card Inky)
Just when we thought we’d seen every funny Star Wars card out there…


Funniest holiday cards | rapping paper holiday cards from paper source

Rapping Paper Holiday Card (Paper Source)
Yo Yo Yo is the new Ho Ho Ho

Funniest holiday cards | lousy Hanukkah card selection card by Near Modern Disaster

Lousy Hanukkah Card Selection Card (Near Modern Disaster)
Do you know how hard it is to find great Hanukkah cards? This designer does too. Ha.


Funniest Christmas cards: Hipster Santa

Funny Hipster Christmas Card (LowriCHMorgan)
He would like, totally not go down the chimney though, because do you know what US-made, indie brand, sustainable cotton buffalo check shirts go for these days?


Deck the Halls and Not Your Family: Funny Christmas card for the friend who barely survived Thanksgiving

Deck the Halls, Not Your Family Card (Little Red Monkey Store)
Did a friend barely survive Thanksgiving? Congrats, you’ve found her card.


Funny Star Wars Christmas card - dark side cookie! (We're lol'ing)

Funny Dark Side Christmas Card (Embrace 123)
How could we resist one more funny Star Wars card?


Reindeer taste like chicken: Funniest Christmas cards (but probably not for vegetarian friends)

Reindeer…Taste Like Chicken Card (Pixies and Porcupines)
Probably not one for your vegan friends.

Funny Golden Girls Christmas Card

Funny Golden Girls Christmas Card Set (Shop Ma Designs)
This set of four includes the ladies’ best Christmas quotes including our favorite from Rose.


 Funniest holiday cards | Happy Challah-Days by Julie Yegen

Happy Challah-Days (Julie Yegen)
The perfect multi-denominational card.


Funniest Christmas cards: John Snow Game of Thrones Bastard Card

Game of Thrones Funny Christmas Card (Magically Crafted Shop)
Jon Snow…you know Christmas!



Funny Gave You My Heart Christmas Card (Yeah Oh Greetings)
We always wondered about those lyrics too. Like, if he gave her his heart, then she gave it away, how did he get it back to regift it again this year? It boggles the mind.

Let's call this year good...funny new year's cards for people who are ready for 2017 to be O-VAH

Let’s Start a New Year Card (Sad Shop)
Um, we know a few people who are ready to call it quits on 2017. So maybe this is…an optimist’s card?