It’s that time of year when Daylight Saving comes to an end and we all spring forward. And while you’re taking the time to change the clocks around your home, here’s one more thing you can do that could help save your family’s life: Change the batteries in your smoke detectors, using the trusted power of Duracell.
Unfortunately, fires can’t always be prevented, but you can ensure that the smoke detectors in your home are working properly so that you can be alerted at the first sign of smoke.
According to the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), two thirds of all fire deaths occur in homes in which smoke detectors either aren’t present or aren’t working. That’s why Duracell has created this PSA to encourage families to use Daylight Saving to remember to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
So as you’re adjusting your clocks to the correct time today, remember to grab a new set of Duracell batteries to put in your smoke detectors as well.
This has been a sponsored message from Duracell.