Today is National Voter Registration Day which is a good time to ask yourself: Are you registered? Are you sure? Extra-doubly 200% sure?

If not, do you know how to register to vote? Do it today. It takes 3 minutes. You can do this! Just click the relevant button below, or visit the National Voter Registration Day site and register.

That’s it!

Even if you are registered, it’s a good idea to take 2 minutes seconds and go to either the National Voter Registration Day site or to confirm. Because in some states, if you haven’t voted for a few years, or if you’ve moved, you may find yourself purged from the rolls.

We get it! We’re all busy, overwhelmed, and overscheduled.  But registering to vote — and of course, actually voting — is one of the easiest ways parents with young kids can get involved in the political process. We need your voice this November, and voting is one of the best ways you can make it heard.

Related: Michelle Obama, Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monae need your help to register new voters

Why 2018 is different

This November, there are:

-35 Senate seats up for election
-36 governorships up for election
-All 435 seats in the US House of Representatives.

So this year’s election will have major implications for the Supreme Court, control of Congress, judgeships on every level, and likely, the entire presidency.

It will have major implications for literally generations — on the air we breathe, the water we drink, the laws we pass, the health care we have access to, the funding for our schools, the way we treat friends, family and neighbors who are immigrants, the way we engage with other countries of the world.

This is a huge opportunity for you to have your voice be heard. Just be sure to do it by October 9.

We know how many millions of little things you’re managing right now. Don’t let this one slip off your to-do list.

Visit the National Voter Registration Day website or to get registered to vote in 3 minutes or check your existing registration. 

Top image: Wokandapix via Pixabay