by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
While we’re big fans of the rock n roll around these parts, we also have a soft spot for the country classics. And no, that doesn’t mean Achy-Breaky Heart. Bite your tongue. I’m simply smitten with the recent release, Honky-Tonk Heroes and Hillbilly...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
I’m a huge fan of ethnic foods, however any attempts to get my 2-year-old to try curry or sushi has failed miserably. Well, I may just have found a solution that requires neither cooking, nor the hurling of unusual foods in the nice, quiet restaurant. Check...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
From among the audacious number of gifts my daughter received this holiday, I was happy (and proud) that her favorite was a book. Of course it was a special book – one personalized with her name on all the pages. Who could blame her? I thought it was just...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
There’s a fine line between pretentious and hip. Pretentious (and also sort of stupid) would be filling your toddler’s library with museum coffee table books. But introducing him to the board book, The Art of Shapes: For Children and Adults, well...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
I have a feeling my daughter is going to be one ofthose kids. You know, the ones who ask incessant questions like "Why do we have five fingers? or "What areankle bones for?" or "Why does Daddy have one eyebrow?"And the good mom that I am, I...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
When I was a kid, every gift-giving holiday came with a request from my mother to make her something. After a few years of amateur photo collages and tedious poetry I was plum out of ideas. If only I had had a copy of I Wanna Make Gifts, by prolific writer Clea...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
As anyone familiar with New York knows, tonight the FDR drive will be lined with junior firework watchers wearing–what else–black. It’s not that they don’t love America in the big city; it’s just that red white and blue screams Wayward...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
Looking for a fun and cheap way to show your kids the sights of Europe without leaving your living room? Check out these reprinted vintage books by children’s author and amazing illustrator Miroslav Sasek..Have afternoon tea and scones while browsing colorful...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
After reading Winnie the Pooh and Curious George two times a day for how many weeks, I think we are all ready for a change. So I ordered a set of Kit Allen’s children’s books. His simple yet fabulous set of four books on each of the seasons are peppered...
by Kristen Chase | Books for Kids
Just because I’m not a superfan of America’s Favorite Pastime doesn’t mean I don’t think it shouldn’t be celebrated. So, this year in support of opening day for the MLB, I’ve decided to mix up a special Home Run Martini for mama,...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
New York City can teach a child any number of things. Like how to distinguish a Bangladeshi cab driver accent from a Pakistani one. Or how to learn to share toys with Uma’s daughter in the sandbox of the Bleecker Street playground. Now, NYC is also teaching...