Just the right shade of … skin

Just the right shade of … skin

My daughter recently drew a picture of herself and one of her school friends. She made herself pink and her friend brown. Neither color was exactly … right. And as a budding artist, she was bothered by the limitations of her crayons. Just as her hair isn’t...
Last Chance to Win One Kings Lane Shopping Spree!

Last Chance to Win One Kings Lane Shopping Spree!

If you’ve been waiting for just the right moment to become a Cool Mom Picks subscriber, now is the perfect time! Aside from getting the coolest of our monthly picks, exclusive features, celeb trends, discounts and special offers from our awesome sponsors right...
Don’t burn, baby burn

Don’t burn, baby burn

The best part of the summer, for me, are the days spend hanging out at our local pool, but worst part is getting my son to put on sunscreen. No, strike that, usually I can pin him down long enough to slather him with the first coating; it’s arguing over how long...
A fashion fix fit for flats

A fashion fix fit for flats

I have jeans for flats and jeans for heels, but every now and then, a denim emergency does occur. Like, the flat-length jeans are dirty and I need to get the kids from school right now and I’m sure as heck not putting on heels for the carpool lane.Bristols 6...

Off to BlogHer

Today, we’re off to Chicago for the annual BlogHer conference, and by we, we mean Kristen, Liz, and darn near all of our contributors. (Julie and Carrie and Betsy will be sorely missed.)  If you’re headed there yourself, please make sure you say hi....
Brag book lite

Brag book lite

My husband is a photographer, and the good news is that we have countless professional-quality photographs of the kids. The bad news is that almost all of them exist only on my husband’s computer. Ahem. Because just as the shoemaker’s children go barefoot,...
Potty Animal

Potty Animal

I am not a germaphobe at all. I’ve gotten through the great NYC Swine Flu Debacle of 2009 without much more than a hand washing, and I have yet to hear one story of one person getting any illness whatsoever from a public toilet seat. That said, I know that...
Making shots less shot-like

Making shots less shot-like

I think I can safely state that most parents would like to spare their children as much trauma as possible, which is why I was intrigued by the concept of the Buzzy. This FDA-approved plastic bee uses mechanical vibrations to “confuse” nerve endings,...
Cool Mom Picks + Twitter + You. A nice combo.

Cool Mom Picks + Twitter + You. A nice combo.

Observant Cool Mom Picks readers may have noticed we just added a snazzy little “retweet” button to the bottom of each post to make it easier to share your favorite posts on Twitter. So fun!If you’re not following us on Twitter, what are you waiting...
The key to an awesome Father’s Day

The key to an awesome Father’s Day

While every dad loves the homemade cards and pictures, we always adore services that help turn your child’s doodles into something even more special – maybe even something he can carry with him every day? Mia van Beek of Formia Design offers one-of-a-kind...