Children’s art that lives forever

Children’s art that lives forever

I’m one of those mothers that’s a professional organizer’s nightmare. I can hardly bear to part with a single one of my girls’ drawings, whether it’s a 3-D art class project, or a scribble on a napkin. So I always love ways to turn...
Sew you want to be in pictures

Sew you want to be in pictures

This holiday season, you can do almost anything with your fancy photos: make books, cards, puzzles, even an afghan. But we found one artist putting a beautiful homemade twist on capturing your family’s image, and we think this one’s worthy of framing. Etsy...
Holiday cards that are truly a work of art

Holiday cards that are truly a work of art

Every year after I spend half the day trying to get myself ready, and then wrangling my four kids and my husband for our annual holiday card family photo extravaganza, I vow to do something different the next year. I have found it! With one of a kind cards featuring...