by Caroline Siegrist | Art + Decor
We’re big believers in helping kids to be mindful about how they save and spend their money, and we’re so excited to find this beautifully designed Give Spend Save piggy bank to help reinforce what we’re all helping teach our children anyway. CMP is...
by Kate Etue | Baby, Fashion, Kid Style, School Gear
If you’d rather be heading back to Hogwarts than your actual school this fall, then you’ll want to see these magical new bags, totes diaper bags, and accessories from JuJuBe + Harry Potter. We’re excited to be one of the first to give you a look at...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
This is sponsored message for Amazon Prime Book Box Parents are always looking for ways to encourage their young readers, but keeping up with which children’s books are the best for their kids can be a bit of a challenge. But now with Amazon Prime Book Box, you...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
You probably know the song True Colors as Cyndi Lauper’s hit song from 1986 (whoa) or one of its many covers, but the lyrics were written by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelley. And it turns out those lyrics are exquisite as the prose filling the new True Colors...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults
To be sure, The Father of All Dad Guides: From (A)doring to (Z)addy by Madeline Davies and Tara Jacoby will never be found in that proverbial Hallmark aisle of faux calligraphy Father’s Day cards and sentimental trinkets. This book offers an irreverent, somewhat...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings, Baby
For years, we’ve written about the joy and beauty and specialness of baby dolls as gifts for our kids, from newborns to toddlers, even our school-aged kids. A doll can be a cherished best friend, a bedtime comfort, a travel companion, a tea party guest, and...
by Caroline Siegrist | Baby
The first few weeks of my son’s life, he refused to sleep without being cuddled up next to a parent. Since I know this is a problem for many newborns, and older babies too, I was excited to learn about the Lulla doll, which plays the sound of a mom’s...