Watch your back, Jacques Pepin

Watch your back, Jacques Pepin

My kids have grown up knowing how important food is to me, so it’s not surprising that they are both fascinated by the kitchen. Children’s cookbooks are a frequent gift at birthday and holiday time, but I’m usually very disappointed in how so many of...
Cakes That Truly Take the Cake

Cakes That Truly Take the Cake

Open Matthew Mead’s new Cakes for Kids cookbook and you’ll experience a combination of awe and complete intimidation. It’s as if my inner competimommy is saying Yes! We can make this! while my inner Peggy Bundy is like Are you freaking kidding me?35...
Cooking with the Bambinos

Cooking with the Bambinos

I’m not a cooking enthusiastic, but I do want to encourage my daughter to learn life skills. In other words, I hope she can expand her food prep repertoire beyond instant mac-and-cheese before she heads off to college. Unlike, ahem, her mother. The Handstand...
PB & Everything

PB & Everything

I distinctly remember when Peanut Butter & Co opened its doors in New York’s Greenwich Village several years ago. The whole city was abuzz – what could someone possibly do with peanut butter that would be worth a wait down the block? For me it was the...