Gender neutral crib bedding ideas? Reader Q + A

Gender neutral crib bedding ideas? Reader Q + A

Hi Cool Mom Picks! I’m looking for some cute gender neutral crib bedding ideas for my surprise baby who will be here soon. I like modern design and bold patterns but I’m open to other ideas. Can you help? Thanks, Julie   First of all, congrats Julie!...
Book log for kids? Reader Q&A

Book log for kids? Reader Q&A

Do you have a recommendation for a good “Books I’ve Read” journal or notebook for kids? -Suzanne, via FacebookBook logs or journals are a great way to give kids tangible pride in all the reading they’ve done, as well as a place to look back to...
DIY teacher gifts from the class? Reader Q+A

DIY teacher gifts from the class? Reader Q+A

Help! We are trying to come up with an end of year DIY teacher gift from the whole classroom for our kindergarten teacher. Something every kid can participate in but won’t require too much work from the parents. I know Cool Mom Picks will have great ideas. Thank...