by Stephanie Slate | Baby
I’ve been a huge fan of my Maclaren Techno XT. It’s a 2003. Sadly, it’s reaching the end of its usable years and I’m in the market for a new stroller. It must be subway friendly, lightweight and comfortable. Before I just purchase another...
by Christina Refford | Family Travel, Toys + Playthings
Do you have any suggestions for fun, quiet and small toys for a looooong flight/travel day for a 2yo and a 4yo, both boys? Would love to hear your suggestions! Thanks! -Brave mama, Melissa. Crayons and blank paper, activity books, and coloring books are...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
I am getting ready to start feeding my baby solids next month. With my daughter, I thought making my own food would be way too much work. Now, I have the time and would love to make my own food for my son. The problem is I have no idea where to start. What do I need...
by Christina Refford | Kid Style
I’d love to find some boys’ board shorts that don’t look like gangster-wear. Can you help? -reader question via Twitter With his fair skin, I love board shorts on my son for the simple reason that they cover more of his body that shorter swim trunks....
by Christina Refford | Party Ideas
I need ideas for my daughter’s 10th birthday..something original and wow. She’s a girly girl, loves to sing, very creative, honor student, responsible and loving. Over the years, we’ve done the bead parties, craft parties, clowns, art parties and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
My four year-old daughter is going to be a flower girl in my sister-in-law’s wedding. It’s somewhat informal and they told us to buy whatever we want. I don’t mind spending some money, but I would love to find something that’s not so poofy and...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
I am totally overwhelmed by bike options for my 3.5-year-old son. He outgrew his tricycle in minutes and now I’m wondering what to get next … balance bike or a regular bike with training wheels? Just want something he can enjoy this summer and that will...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
My daughter is 4, and we would love to get her a piggy bank that has the spend, share, save theory, but we can’t find any that fit that bill. We’d also be willing to just get a regular piggy bank, but then we would like one that is a little cooler than...
by Christina Refford | Kid Style
I am hoping you can help me with my latest shopping challenge – my 11 year old daughter! She is graduating from 5th grade and needs a dress. She hates pink, ruffles, and anything “too girly” AND shopping for an 11 year old girl is awful! We need a...
by Christina Refford | Party Ideas
My daughter is turning three soon, and I want to put together a dress up box for her. Any ideas for a great Etsy costume shop? She wants an astronaut costume but I need it to be something she can get on and off herself. Any other ideas? -Alison Hi Alison, We love your...