Shop it to Me turns your laptop into a personal sale shopper

Shop it to Me turns your laptop into a personal sale shopper

I love a bargain, but I often hate the effort it takes to find one. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone keep tabs on all your favorite retailers for you, and let you know when the things you love go on sale? Yeah, that would be super. Fortunately, that is...
Hello, cute back to school clothes! (Also, Hello Kitty)

Hello, cute back to school clothes! (Also, Hello Kitty)

Every year, I promise my kids one special back to school outfit, and now that it’s officially September (eek!) I guess it’s that time again. Generally I’m a big believer in $8 jeans, but one splurge always seems reasonable, especially when they love...
Suddenlee – your own personal shopper. And it’s gooooood.

Suddenlee – your own personal shopper. And it’s gooooood.

I love shopping online. Real brick and mortar stores can’t compete with the ease and convenience of e-commerce. The only real drags are the cost of shipping, especially when you’re shopping from a dozen different online retailers, and the waiting for your...
How to make MYHABIT your habit

How to make MYHABIT your habit

I love shopping for clothes. But what I really, really love is shopping for clothes and getting a great deal.That’s why finding out about this private fashion deal site set off my Pavlovian response–just subtract the drool. Oh, who am I kidding; add the...
Renting a maternity dress? Totally.

Renting a maternity dress? Totally.

When I was six months pregnant with my second baby, the company I worked for was putting on a big, fancy shindig. Said shindig required me to go on a stage and speak in front of 800 people. I started to stress–mostly about what to wear. I wanted a stylish,...