Happy Fourth of July cool moms!

Happy Fourth of July cool moms!

Whether you stay up late enough for fireworks this year or you’re lying in bed in the dark, fingers crossed that the loud noise does not wake the baby (PLEASE GOD DO NOT WAKE THE BABY), all of us at Cool Mom Picks wish you a  Happy Fourth. May the drinks be...
The picnic blanket you’ll actually use… I promise

The picnic blanket you’ll actually use… I promise

I’m always kind of envious of those other more-prepared-than-I-am moms. You know the ones: They have an extra sippy cup when one falls on the ground, they carry Band-Aids everywhere, and they’re never without an extra snack or two. Ah, but do they have a...
Mommy, where do organics come from?

Mommy, where do organics come from?

This here city mama is lucky that my children have grandparents in the country who grow tomatoes and kale and sweet peas and wild strawberries, so that they can learn that no, vegetables do not come from aisle 3. I’ve always thought that learning about food,...
Free movies are back!

Free movies are back!

I don’t care that it’s only the first day of official summer, when it’s almost 100 degrees every single day. And in the Deep South, that means planning a lot of indoor activities–preferably free ones–like the Free Family Film Festival...