by Christina Refford | Family Travel
The first time I took my daughter New York City, she spent so much time swiveling her head in every direction, I was afraid she’d tip over. I could have done a better job planning New York City for kids, and prepping my little suburban dweller for the “big...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
Whether you stay up late enough for fireworks this year or you’re lying in bed in the dark, fingers crossed that the loud noise does not wake the baby (PLEASE GOD DO NOT WAKE THE BABY), all of us at Cool Mom Picks wish you a Happy Fourth. May the drinks be...
by Cool Mom Team | Family Travel
We’re hardly Disney fanatics around my place, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a princess loving daughter who still gets giddy at the sight of Ariel and Tiana. And so, I was pretty excited when we were invited on a press trip to check out...
by Stephanie Slate | Uncategorized
I’m always kind of envious of those other more-prepared-than-I-am moms. You know the ones: They have an extra sippy cup when one falls on the ground, they carry Band-Aids everywhere, and they’re never without an extra snack or two. Ah, but do they have a...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
Well, July is here. And if you are anything like me, you don’t even start looking for the beach toys until beach season is well underway, and the kids are sitting in their car seats, eager and ready to go. And that’s when you discover that you’ve...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
This here city mama is lucky that my children have grandparents in the country who grow tomatoes and kale and sweet peas and wild strawberries, so that they can learn that no, vegetables do not come from aisle 3. I’ve always thought that learning about food,...
by Christina Refford | Beauty + Cosmetics
Unless your family summer plans involve hibernating in the local million-plex theater and surviving on popcorn and Twizzlers, you can be assured of one thing: There will be sun. Which means we mamas can’t leave home without packing plenty of sunscreen. But since...
by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
We’re thrilled to be partnering with Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine this week to present some of our favorite picks to make summer travel a bit easier with baby in tow. Check out our picks each day this week, then make sure to click over to Pregnancy &...
by Cool Mom Team | Family Travel
If you’re looking for some cool gear for your family’s summer travels, we’ve got you covered, from you cool mamas of babies, to kids old enough to walk four feet in front of you in the museum and pretend they don’t know you. Click over to the...