Pennies for the PlanetOne of the things about all those pennies laying around at the bottom of drawers or under the couch is that they are, well, laying around doing nothing. Rather than leave those coins to clog up the vacuum cleaner, why not use your extra pennies as a way to get your kids involved in some very cool conservation projects?

Pennies for the Planet has organized a way to do just that. Get your kids collecting all that spare change and funnel the money into conservation projects like protecting the shorebirds along California’s coast, the coastal marshes in Louisiana, and the wetlands near the Gulf Coast of Florida.

They are making it easy on us parents, too, or the schools, teams and clubs we represent. You’ll find downloadable kits which include everything from the participation form, activity pages to help the kids learn more about the areas they are helping protect, and even a fun penny jar label. All that’s missing is kids and pennies. And we’re pretty sure you have some of both, right? -Carrie

Get started with your downloadable kit at Pennies for the Planet.