Mother’s Day is about making your mom cry, right? In a good way?
If you are lucky enough to not only be a mom, but still have a mom around to guide you through your turbulent mothering moments (or in my mom’s case, laugh at me), then you probably have witnessed the power that the perfect picture of your children has over her....
The nursing bag that’s like little magic elves are carrying your sippy cups
I have a very valuable piece of information that I will share with you. It’s the Number One Thing that you should consider when buying a diaper bag, and it comes from a mother that has had at least quadruple the number of diaper bags as I have had kids. ...
A penny saved is a piece of the planet saved
One of the things about all those pennies laying around at the bottom of drawers or under the couch is that they are, well, laying around doing nothing. Rather than leave those coins to clog up the vacuum cleaner, why not use your extra pennies as a way to get your...
Raising the reusable tote bar a little higher
With the reusable tote bag phenomenon in full swing, there are a lot of options out there, from the $.99 bags at the grocery store — that fall apart after a few weeks’ use by the way — to reusable bags that are organic, well made, and um, a whole lot...
Get fabulous, one delightful cup of tea at a time
I’ve heard that there are some mythical women out there who are gorgeous, relaxed, happy, full of energy, with beautiful hair and nails, clear skin, and passionate sex lives. Oh, and who never have gas or constipation issues. If you are one of those women, you...
Helping kids in Haiti, one Tinkertoy tower at a time.
Here’s a fun way to get your kids involved in the Haiti relief effort: A Play-a-thon. In case you have never heard of one (like me, up until now), it’s just like raising pledges for many other ‘a-thons’, but instead of running, dancing, or...
When you research enough to give the very best
I like giving the best gift at the baby shower. Call me competitive, but I just feel that as a mom of two young kids that I should be better equipped to pick out the perfect gift than Great-Aunt Mary who still thinks the baby should be sleeping on her stomach and has...
For when that BBQ apron just won’t cut it.
You’re having a holiday party. You’re dressed up. You’re serving food and drinks. An apron would be nice to protect your perfect cocktail dress, but who wants to drag out the old marinara-stained “Kiss the Cook” monstrosity? Well if...