We admit, like a lot of parents, we were pretty shocked (to say the least) about the new Victoria’s Secret line of sexy panties with provocative phrases being marketed towards young teens. Do our ninth-graders really need DARE YOU written on their rear ends? Yikes. Don’t answer that.

So we searched far and wide and we were beyond thrilled to find a line of panties made for girls that we can support.

It’s from a mom-run company called Self-Respect Underwear, and they’re still adorable, which means our tween and teen daughters will like them, but they’ve got sayings a little more in keeping with what we’d write if it were up to us.

Self-respect panties. If only.

Self-respect panties. If only.

self-respect panties. if only

Slogans like Private PropertyIf you can read this you are too close, and Keep back 15 feet have the kind of humor we love, but with a message that we don’t think is so bad to project to the other girls in the locker room. (Because those are the only people who will be seing them, right? Right?)

And hey, it’s hard to resist one that simply says My mother sees everything.

They’re not cheap at $19.99 a pair–but then, neither are our daughters. -Liz + Kristen

Find the Self-Respect Underwear for teens and women online at their website, on sale starting today, April 1.

Would you let your daughters wear underwear like this?