We’re big fans of supporting quality journalism, especially in this age of where fake news is running rampant. Because, facts matter.

(Not that this is a big stake in the ground, mamas. I mean, is any normal person really like, “Whoo! Fake news! We need more of it!” Let’s hope not.)

So when I learned about The New York Times Sponsor a Subscription Program, I was so excited to share this with other parents and educators who feel the same way.

Related: 10 free educational online resources for curious kids that every parent should know.

A donation of just $2–4 provides a free subscription to students in public schools across the country — though donations start at $10 –and for every subscription donated, The New York Times will match it with another.

In other words, from what we can tell from the site, a $100 donation funds up to 100 subscriptions in all.

Considering not all families or schools have this kind of access to the nation’s Paper of Record, I think it’s just terrific.

Plus, the students and teachers will get unlimited access to The New York Times Learning Network, one of Cool Mom Picks favorite educational online resources.

As a mom to a teenage daughter, I want her and other kids like her to be better informed about the world around them. Perhaps now more than ever. Because learning is progress — and that’s a fact.

You can make a donation of $10 and up to The New York Times Sponsor a Subscription Program on its subscription page. Note that this is not a tax-deductible contribution, but for just a few bucks, you can make a big difference.