19 meaningful gifts for kids, because we need more of that right now.
All picks have been editorially determined by our staff. There has been no compensation for inclusion in this guide.
This guide contains affiliate links and some purchases help support our own small business at no additional costs to you..
All discount codes expired 2018
For more up-to-date discounts and gift ideas, please visit our 2019 holiday gift guide or 2020 small business holiday gift guide

Random acts of kindness card kit
Because: Kids are born loving to do nice things for others.
$10-15, Uncommon Goods

A handmade Kind Doll
Because: Each Kind Doll come with 10 “kindness tokens” to pay it forward, while donating one doll to a child in need
in an orphanage, hospital, or shelter.
$59, Kind Culture Co
Use code COOLMOM20 to save 20% off on all orders $29+

A donation to a 529 fund
Because: College.
$25 and up, GiftofCollege.com; also available in Target stores

Equality shirt for kids
Because: The message is a good one for any kid, and 25% is donated to the ACLU
$30 Brave New World Designs
Click through above link for free shipping, sitewide

Membership to the FDNY Museum
Because: We like supporting heroes.
Even if you’re not in NY, you still support heroes — and get a nice discount at the shop
$25/individual, $40/family membership
Also see our collection of 11 thoughtful gifts that give back to first responders

Coloring Without Borders coloring book
Because: 80 artists donated their work so that 100% of the proceeds can support Families Belong Together.
$24.95, FamiliesBelongTogether.org

Limited edition Dreambox of pajamas
Because: Each one helps supports a child in need of cozy pajamas and bedtime stories, too
$88, KidBox in sizes 2-12

WWF sack of socks
Because: When we support conservation efforts, we know our kids’ favorite animals will be around when they grow up.
$55, WWF.org (your choice of 3)

Handmade Spanish-English soft book
Because: Learning languages create compassion and understanding, and these books
help support refugees and low-income communities in the West Bank.
$45, To the Market

Kidvelope Mission Adventure Game
Because: It was designed specifically to connect kids with grandparents, deployed military parents, or any far-away relatives
$21.95 Kidvelope
Use code COOL for 25% all orders

A book or frame featuring a children’s own artwork
Because: Knowing you support their hard work is the real gift.
$15.99 and up, Shutterfly (you DIY, seen here)
$39 and up, Artkive (you send the artwork, they photograph professionally so you can make the book)
$75 and up, Plum Print (you send the box of artwork, they make the entire book)

Women heroes button set
Because: One day, your child may be the one featured on a button
$8, the film artist

Black Boy Joy Shirt
Because: He should feel good about who he is, every day.
$20, youth and kid sizes or $36 as a daddy/me set, FabFlyFancy
Use code FAB4U for free shipping on all orders

A special day all to themselves with a special grandparent
Because: Experience gifts make memories and lasting connections.
Prices vary; Here: $13.95/ticket to the Zoom Room at the Children’s Art Museum of Chicago

A Santa ornament supporting St. Jude’s
Because: Gifts that give back inspire gratitude, and this ornament was inspired by a pediatric patient’s drawing.
$10.50, Pottery Barn Kids with 50% donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

I Got the Christmas Spirit by
Connie Schofield-Morrison and Frank Morrison
Because: Representation matters
$12.14, Amazon or your local indie bookseller

A gift card to Donors Choose
Because: You’ll be amazed how much kids love browsing the categories, and finding just which classrooms in need
they’d like to support. (And the thank you notes from the classroom later on…it’s really something special.)
Price varies, Donors Choose
Tip: Browse the requests by “Matching Offers” and your donation will be matched sometimes 3X by generous donors.

Children of America original artwork
Because: This is the world we want them to grow up in.
$6 and up, Asia Draws,
with 75% of profits donated to funds to help undocumented children and families.
Be sure to visit our 2020 Small Business Holiday Gift Guide
which helps support dozens of indie shops, makers and artists with the best gifts for everyone on your list.
See our 2021 Holiday Gift Guide here
And don't miss our guide to 50+ of the coolest gifts for kids under $50.