by Rita | Baby, Kid Style
I know, organic cotton is cool, plastic is not. But cotton gets … wet. With the drool. And the spit-up. And the yams.I’m grossing myself out just thinking about it.Never fear, though — Wow Baby has a new line of US made, double-lined, organic...
by Rita | Books for Adults
Linda Rosenkranz and Pamela Redmond Satran raised baby naming to an art form with their original 1988 baby-naming book, Beyond Jennifer & Jason – names that practically seem pedestrian with today’s Talullahs and Artemises. Now the authors are...
by Rita | Books for Adults
Fellow blogger and Vanity Fair contributor Brett Berk has unleashed on the world his parenting perspective with The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting: Candid Counsel From the Depths of the Daycare Trenches. Berk obviously has no uterus and no children. That said,...
by Rita | Toys + Playthings
Whether you need a last-minute Mother’s Day gift or just want to appear more stylish than everyone else while waiting for the pediatrician, I love the Posh Puzzle books by The Puzzle Society. These are the people who bring you nationally syndicated crosswords...
by Rita | Books for Adults
What happens when you need to find a book on heroes the night before your kid needs it for kindergarten?After you’ve exhausted our favorite children’s books, you can do what I did and check out the selections in What to Read When, by LitLife founder Pam...