Fellow blogger and Vanity Fair contributor Brett Berk has unleashed on the world his parenting perspective with The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting: Candid Counsel From the Depths of the Daycare Trenches. Berk obviously has no uterus and no children.
That said, you may be asking yourself where does he get off giving me advice? But what he does have is nearly twenty years of experience as a classroom teacher and preschool director, plus a wicked directness I find strangely endearing. Forget Supernanny — send me Brett Berk, stat.
Certainly this book will offend some people. Berk believes in breastfeeding no more years than the number of boobs you possess and — eek — not lying to your kids, no matter how bad you want to tell them they can’t go swimming because the lake is full of crocodiles. But he does give what’s generally excellent, grounded advice supported by plenty of fun anecdotes to poke holes in plenty of our parenting bubbles– including the one in which we convince ourselves it’s perfectly normal to bring along our entire refrigerator for a three-hour trip with a finicky toddler. Oops, got me. – Rita
Get The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting by Bret Berk through our affiliate Amazon.