“Women shouldn’t be discriminated against simply because they are mothers.” Any organization with a manifesto like that has our full attention.
Introducing Moms Rising, a new organization that’s creating a grassroots movement of moms on the internet (hey, that’s you!) to champion family issues. Not a joiner? Activism isn’t your thing? Perfect. You’re just who they’re looking for.
Moms Rising was started by two politically connected moms in order to rally regular old moms together. The goal is to effect real change around issues we care about as mothers. Think: paid maternity/paternity leave, quality educational programming on TV, safe after-school programs, and universal healthcare so that the nine million kids in this country who don’t have it, do.
Beyond the website, the moms of Moms Rising have got a book: The Motherhood Manifesto by Joan Blades. They’ve got awesome t-shirts. They’ve got a wonderful blog filled with articles and personal essays from their members about parenting, and they encourage you to submit your own. But most importantly, when you sign up, they’ve got a direct line to your political representatives so you can tell them what’s exactly on your mind.
Something tells me that Cool Mom Picks readers aren’t shy about saying what’s on their minds. –Liz