Lately my skin is starting to look…well, like it’s winter. Like the air is cold, the heat is dry, and more than a wee bit of holiday cheer has taken its toll. A detox is in order, inside and out.
If you know what I’m saying (and I know you know what I’m saying), considering turning to the beautiful, beautifying products of McBride Beauty. Created by Brooklyn mom Wini Burkeman and inspired by her own Irish mother’s home skincare remedies, Wini’s own exquisite skin is the line’s best advertisement.
Did I mention she’s a former model?
Her 100% natural lotions, creams and toners skip alcohol, parabens, and chemicals in favor of natural solutions. Better wheat germ to smooth those rough patches than some multisyllabic something-or-other you can’t even pronounce. Plus the scents are clean, inviting combos like grapefruit/sage or cucumber/aloe.
You can find a nice selection of McBride Beauty products at Farmhouse Wares. Or if you stay at DeNiro’s fancy new The Greenwich Hotel in NYC, just steal it from the bathrooms. -Liz
Congratulations to lucky winners Maureen and Boni!