Oh, the poor new dad. Not only does he have a demanding new baby at home, he’s probably got a demanding new hormonal mom around the house to contend with too. Really want to make her day next Sunday? Forget flowers and perfume – just try taking that baby off her hands for more than a minute.
Toronto-based Pippalily is making it easier for the men, with slings that come in colors other than pink. The perfectly masculine camouflage print and plain black cotton slings were designed with helpful husbands in mind, and like the rest of the line, easy to don and easy to wear.
Plus babywearing frees up a dad’s hands to take care of other important business, like bringing you that glass of wine you’ve been craving for nine months. Now that’s a surefire way to make this mama happy. -Julie
Congrats to Bunny B, winner of a dad-friendly sling and matching toy strap!