Congratulations!  You’re pregnant!  And, if you are anything like me, it’s time to start logging some serious hours on the computer reading everything you can about it. But with so much of it out there, how do you wade through it all?

Well you, you do not have to wade through it all. Not now
that there is Aha! Baby, a pregnancy-specific search engine that compiles the best
articles around the web on everything from baby naming to medical questions, all in one place. I
do not even want to think about how much work this poor team out of
San Francisco had to do to select the articles for their site, but I’m
sure you’ll appreciate it.

One neat feature of the site is their “Aha” comment that tells you the pros and cons of each search result. Hate small type or tons of ads? They’ll warn you.  Want an article that just gives the facts ma’am? Yeah, they’ll tell you that too.
Aha! Baby is brand new, having just launched in June, but my guess is that they’ll expand beyond pregnancy soon. Keep going guys. In a few years, I’ll be dealing with a preteen and will need all the help I can get. –Christina