I still remember loving the drain in our bathtub growing up, because it looked like a happy face to me with the lever for a nose. Shockingly, it would seem I’m not the only one who noticed such things. In fact, the latest floor covering from FLOR is the Find-a-Face Rug Kit, featuring “faces” from the clever photographs of artist Francois Robert and my inner child is swooning.
This 3×5 modular carpet would be super cute in a kids room or playroom, with smiling parking meters and surprised doorknobs a refreshing alternative to flowers or farm animals. If you want a bigger size, grab some of the solid FLOR tiles and alternate with the faces.
One other benefit of FLOR? When your kid destroys one of them with the blue Sharpie you accidentally left out (ahem), just replace that single tile instead of the whole rug. Score. –Liz
Find the Find-a-Face Rug Kit and other smart modular carpeting options at FLOR