With all the baby slings and carriers I’ve collected over the last five years, we’ve always kept the Baby Bjorn on regular rotation thanks to its simple, smart style, versatility, and ease of use. Plus, it’s the only baby carrier my husband seems to feel comfortable wearing. Go figure.
So now the Baby Bjorn gotten just a little bit better – at least for the earth – thanks to their new organic line. Completely identical to their classic styles in function, the new organic Baby Bjorn carrier is more muted in color, as it is made from organic cotton that is way better for the environment and can be gentler for sensitive baby skin. If your baby spends as much time in carriers and slings, as mine did, it’s nice to have the option of an organic “second womb.” -Kristen
Purchase the Baby Bjorn Organic Carrier at our affiliate Amazon, or visit the Baby Bjorn website for a list of retailers.
Congratulations to Alyssa K., lucky winner of the Baby Bjorn Organic Carrier!