Earlier this week it was fun finding some of the most beautiful Fourth of July printables and decor, and now for you DIY’ers, I’ve rounded up fun Fourth of July crafts so you can celebrate America’s 236th birthday party in style. Whether you’re firing up the grill or not.
Independence Day is a great day for family fun: the kids are out of school, chances are there’s a parade nearby, and the sky will soon be filled with fireworks. Days like this only happen once a year–let’s make it special! –Roxanna

I always suspected candy buttons were easy to make, but the genius behind The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle had the idea to make candy buttons in the shape of an American flag…complete the step-by-step instructions, of course.

Ellinee has a tutorial on this swirl and relief red white and blue star craft–how patriotic! They do require a hot glue gun but the downloadable PDFs are free. For a simpler version, Family fun has a basic printable pinwheel craft that just requires a little cutting and folding.

I’m enchanted by these rocket cookies (again from Sugarbelle) sprinkled with something called “disco dust”–aren’t they a blast? (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.) Definitely not a beginners’ cookie project, but maybe they’ll inspire some fun rocket designs on basic sugar cookies.

Or, just grab a rocket cookie cutter ($1.25 from Sweet Baking Supply Co) and let the kids have at them with red, white and blue icing.

If you want to get your kids into the act, Martha Stewart has a great slideshow on tricking out bikes for the Fourth of July with pennants and streamers, and having your own parade. Now just cross your fingers for a sunny day.