Geometric sterling silver ringAs minor as my kids’ milestones might seem in the great scheme of things, I still do my fair share of celebrating them. All night in your own bed? Yes! So I decided that I too deserve to treat myself with a little reward for making it through another milestone with them. Fair, right?

I’ve got just the thing, if beautiful handmade jewelry looks like your kind of grownup treat.

I just love the geometric rings from Israeli-based Osnat Har Noy that are a little larger than a thin everyday band but not as bold as a cocktail ring. Such a versatile piece for busy moms.

I love the sterling ring (pictured above), but if you’re like me and lean towards bigger rings, the oval ring is fabulous too.
Oval sterling silver ring

However you look at them, I think they’re a lovely, eye catching statement that you can totally justify. You worked hard to get him from velcro to laces. Congrats! -Kristen

You can purchase the architectural geometric rings from Osnat Har Noy on Etsy.