One of these things is not like another

One of these things is not like another

I’m definitely a devotee of handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry. And some of my favorite pieces are the ones that can’t be replicated at all, because the form comes from the imperfect shape of the stone, like a geode or a swath of quartz. So I love this San...
Shop smarter with a whole new kind of reusable bag

Shop smarter with a whole new kind of reusable bag

When grocery shopping, I try and take my own reusable bags. And I love that now some cities are charging for paper or plastic, to encourage you to BYO. So I love this new company that’s offering everything I’ve wanted in a reusable shopping bag. Check out...
Fresh flowers for every outfit

Fresh flowers for every outfit

It happens again and again: one dress-up lap around the living room and the creepy faux-metallic paint on your daughter’s “jewelry” is already flaking off and the molded plastic clasp has begun to warp. It’s not always easy to find dress-up...
Just what the future doctor ordered

Just what the future doctor ordered

There’s something that seems to be universally fascinating to kiddos, generation after generation, about playing doctor – and by that, I mean the kind with stethoscopes and tongue depressors and a plethora of toilet paper “bandages.” My...
The 2012 Flite of the Bumbleride

The 2012 Flite of the Bumbleride

We love Bumbleride strollers and gear. We’ve featured their stuff quite a bit because it is consistently fresh looking with updated features, colors and the kinds of accessories that actually get used. Plus their customer service is just–well, nice!Back in...