If our huge list of 15 free Father’s Day printables didn’t include absolutely everything you need for this Sunday (at least in the printables department), we’ve just found one more Father’s Day printable collection that is is too adorable, and too  jam-packed with cool ideas for Dad not to share with you.
Designed  by our friends at tinyme, whose customized labels, puzzles, blocks and–yes–printables are among some of our favorites, you may want to stock up on the printer ink and cardstock and sharpen those scissors.
From printable gift bags that look like tiny dress shirts to a dapper necktie garland, tinyme’s free Father’s Day collection also includes candy bar wrappers, little food toppers and gift cards. And since everything is coordinated in the same sophisticated tones of muted green and gray, you can pick and choose any or all of the downloads, and they’ll all look good together.
I especially love tinyme’s printable Father’s Day coupon book which contains probably the cutest list of redeemable coupons ever like 5 Beautiful Big Kisses, 1 Free Noisy Concert by Me, and 5 Extra Big Squeezy Hugs. Dads everywhere: be prepared to melt.
Check out the big collection of free free Father’s Day printables from tinyme. And don’t miss all of our Father’s Day Gift Guides which include gift ideas that you may still have time to get your hands on.