Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Over the years, we have celebrated the many magical Dr. Seuss books you’ve given us and our children with delicious and easy treats to eat, great Seuss-related gifts, and even ways to carry around a little Seuss to all the places we go with the coolest phone cases.
But today, we’re sharing something totally free: A cute set of 6 free printable Dr. Seuss lunch box notes that will allow you to tuck a little Seussian wisdom into your kids’ lunchboxes the rest of this week.
Related: Free printable lunch box nots that let you be That Mom.
Created by Chickabug for How Does She, just sign up for their weekly email and you’ll be granted access to the set of bright, fun printable lunchbox notes featuring some of the most memorable quotes from Dr. Seuss’s many books.
At the site, you can also download a banner to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday though should you want to host an impromptu celebration after school, but that’s asking a whole lot of us. Sometimes just printing out some lunch box notes and actually remembering to cut them and put them in the lunch is about all the DIY we can muster for one day.
Sign up for the How Does She? weekly email for access to the free Dr. Seuss printable lunchbox cards designed by Chickabug.