I’m all for splurging a bit on special camp stationery as my kids head off later this week (sniff), especially since it seems to compel them to use it more. But after about 25 cards or so — wishful thinking, I know — the costs add up. So I like the idea of supplementing with either an affordable stationery pad, or making my own with some free printable stationery for kids.
I just spotted these cute templates at Kiki + Co, featuring fun mermaids and not-too-scary sharks; and if you click over to The 36th Avenue, you’ll find some of her more generic free printable stationery designs featuring pretty florals, hearts and stripes. Those are billed as thank you notes, but without the little “thank you” circle punches that can be glued to the envelope (which is honestly a little too much DIY for me anyway) they’re just simple cards that give your kids more to choose from.
Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the link for the free printables; it’s a little hidden. Then just print on slightly heavier paper stock if not full card stock, and be sure not to forget envelopes and stamps.
Also, I’d ignore the whole boy/girl category thing; I can pretty much guarantee you that my youngest daughter would pick those sharks given a choice. Actually, wait…she’d want both. Making choices isn’t always her forté. Let’s hope letter writing is.
Find this cute free printable stationery for kids at Kiki & Co