It’s amazing how many printable 2016 calendars there are online now — although admittedly they’re not all style. Now that I’ve finally investing in some good thick paper and become like a printable maniac, I spent a ton of time looking for the printable calendars that I would be happy to have on any of my own walls — clean, modern, pretty. Some are free, some cost a few dollars (but support small indie designers), some actually have space for scheduling, while some are just a date-at-a-glance style that’s perfect over a desk or on a refrigerator door.
Hope you find something you love to start your year off organized, too.
Related: 16 of the prettiest modern 2016 planners
Free printable 2016 calendar | Small Paper Things
This is such a nice, clean for minimalists and I like the combo of the handwritten type up top with the stronger, serif numbers on the days. She’s also offering a printable weekly planner, and for you bloggers, a social media and posting calendar.
Free printable color-your-own mandalas 2016 calendar | A Piece of Rainbow
How much do I love this calendar! It combines three of my favorite things: adult coloring pages, coloring mandalas, and actually knowing what day it is. (Seriously, some days that’s a big accomplishment when you’re parent.
Printable French 2016 calendar | Zu
I am so so so in love with this gorgeous calendar design! It’s just so pretty and calming, and it’s a 10 Euro instant download from her shop. But if you can wait, you can have it free! She offers one calendar page each month on her blog, starting with January, 2016. Keep an eye out for February on the 15th.
Also fun: a digital version she’s created as free wallpaper for phones or desktops.
Related: One-word New Year’s resolutions: The trick to making one you can finally keep.
DIY Instagram photo printable 2016 calendar | Alice and Lois
I am totally in love with this idea! It’s a simple template, nicely designed, that lets you insert your very own favorite Instagram photos for each month. And while the images here were created for 2015, fear not; the link on her site has been updated for 2016.
Printable happy Pantone color 2016 calendar | Design is Yay
Her sensibility is always so playful and cheerful, and her newest printable calendar is no exception. Various sizes are just $1.84 or a little more in her Etsy shop and I love how she incorporated this year’s Pantone colors, Rose Quartz and Serenity Blue, into her designs. Plus, when you sign up for her BFF emails (Best Freebie Friends, ha) on her blog, you get something free and fun each month.
Printable inspirational 2016 calendar | Colour Moon
Last year in our post on our favorite printable 2015 calendars, we found this bold, not-cheesy but still inspirational printable calendar for just $10 at Etsy’s Colour Moon. So happy to see she’s brought it back again for 2016.
Printable 2016 origami calendar | Futska
Modern design meets minimalist origami animal illustrations in this cool download from Milan’s Futska design shop. Nice.
Printable Long Shadow 2016 calendar | Futska
For something a little bolder, the same shop offers this handsome calendar design that harkens back to 1920’s graphics. Print each month on a single page, or two on a page if you like yours a little smaller for a desktop or nightstand.
Printable mid-century 2016 calendar | Sunberry Graphics
If you can’t resist geometrics in a muted mid-century color palette like me, I think you’ll totally dig this stunningly designed printable calendar on Etsy for just $10.
It’s also available as printable single-page calendar artwork for $8. So striking!
Printable 2016 Italian calendar | Irene Agh
I am really taken with this dreamy, starry printable calendar from Etsy’s Irene Agh, perhaps more so because it’s in Italian. Wouldn’t this be so wonderful in a kid’s room? It’s about $14 US so make sure it’s on some really great paper.
Free printable brush letter 2016 calendar | Clementine Creative
I like this simple calendar from this Capetown, SA design shop that’s perfect for a clipboard, propped up against a wall over your desk. She even has instructions to adapt it to other sizes yourself. I think there would be something nice about seeing several of these on one page.
Printable inspirational 2016 calendar | Clementine Creative
If you prefer, the same design shop offers a few printable calendars that are for sale, like this positivity calendar. It features those kinds of quotes you see everywhere and kind of like without necessarily wanting to admit it. Plus you’re starting your year off giving a $10 sale for an indie designer which is always positive in my book.
Free printable 2016 Swedish calendar | Sara Woodrow
If you don’t mind the Swedish months (it’s not hard to figure out that Juni = June) you can print this pretty calendar as a mini, with four months to a page, or each on its own page.
Free printable gold and black 2016 calendar | Cocorrina
I really like the kind of New Year’s Eve Every Day sensibility of Corina Nika’s 2016 calendar, but keep in mind that if you don’t have metallic ink, it’s not going to print in gold. Still, I very much appreciate the readability of those numbers, even though they’re small. #Aging.
Free printable 3D desk calendar | A Piece of Rainbow
Also from the designer that created the cool mandala calendar up top, she’s offering this free printable desk calendar that you can actually get all DIY with, and fold into a 3D dodecagon. Okay, so yes. I did have to look up the word for “twelve-sided shape.” Neat though, right?
Colorful free printable 2016 calendar | Landeelu
If you’re looking for something to help keep the kids organized, check out this super simple but colorful printable calendar from Landeelu that could brighten up any wall or desk area. Perfect for my kids’ desk.
Printable Scandinavian red 2016 calendar| Print Avenue
Isn’t this modern Scandinavian design awesome from Ireland’s Print Avenue? And I love the 50 shades of red color palette, though there’s also a multi option too with lots of pretty jewel tones.
Free printable chalkboard 2016 calendar | Botanical Paperworks
Just when I thought I was over the chalkboard look, along comes this free printable calendar that I really like. Check the post for two other options too, including colorful geometrics and some inspirational quotes (though they are a little cutesie compared with the other options).
20 styles of free printable 2016 calendars | Oh, So Lovely Blog
Every year, she offers some nice free printable calendar options, and in her own words she went a little nuts this year. But a good kind of nuts! While all 20 calendar designs are variations on a theme — the typography is the same, just the background patterns and colors differ — there’s surely one you’ll like in there.