My breast pump definitely got the job done, but it was certainly not stylish. Or smart. Try awkward and uncomfortable. But the husband and wife team behind Babyation are aiming to change that. Their new breast pump might be exactly what nursing moms have been hoping for.
Babyation is the brain child of Jared Miller and Samantha Rudolph, born after they realized breast pumps really hadn’t changed much since the 1850s. Talk about scary! So, they set out to make a pump that’s super quiet, very discreet (as in, no boobage on display), and smart — it interfaces with an app that gives moms customized presets, data logging, and yes, control of the pump.
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To help get the Babyation to market, Jared and Samantha have launched a Kickstarter campaign, which means it might take awhile before you actually get your hands (or um, your boobs) on this new pump. But, considering how challenging and uncomfortable pumping can be for so many women — raising my hand, here — it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on, and if you’re so inclined, supporting. Here’s to bringing breast pumps into the 21st century, finally.
You can learn more about the Babyation breast pump on their website and their Kickstarter page.
How does this compare to Freemie which is already in the market?
@CAT – That’s a great question, and one that we’ve been asked quite a bit. Our breast shields are much lower-profile than other products on the market. Additionally, our bottles for collecting the expressed milk do not hang off of the breast shields. This makes the whole arrangement much more discreet. Lastly, our pump is extremely quiet and controllable by smart phone. It’s truly revolutionary!
I don’t feel this new product is much different than the Freemie. The Freemie does collect the milk at the breast, but there aren’t bottles “hanging off the breast” like traditional breast pumps. Babyation just sends the milk through the tubes. Seems like you would be replacing tubes all the time (and running out while waiting on reorders).
It’s really not that different as far as the cups that go in the bra. The Freemie collects the milk in the shield and the babyation sends it through the tubing (that would therefore need to be replaced often). I would hate to have to replace a part of my pump with parts that would most likely need to be ordered. A plus is that the babyation does allow the use of a smart phone.