We’re back with Season 6 of Spawned with Kristen and Liz, launching our new season with an incredibly helpful episode about developing healthy eating habits and positive food relationships with tweens and teens. But, our guest, Nicole Cruz, a registered dietician nutritionist and mom of 4 takes an intuitive eating and non-diet approach to food. Seriously, just 45 minutes with her and she completely changed how I view feeding my kids.

I’m not exaggerating when I say her insights are life-changing.

Help your tweens and teens learn healthy eating habits | Spawned with guest Nicole Cruz, RD

We cover everything from what kids “should” be eating, to how to get them to make healthier choices, to how to have these conversations when you yourself still struggle with your own challenges around eating and feeding yourself. Oof, this is a good one friends! (And great even if you don’t have older kids; if only I had known Nicole when my kids were younger).

You can listen right now (seriously, so worth it), but make sure you’re subscribed to Spawned so you never miss an episode!

Carole P. Roman's Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex | Sponsor

We’re so thrilled to welcome author Carole P. Roman as this episode’s sponsor. She’s a prolific author with over 50 books under her belt, but what’s better, they’re books kids will love, especially your reluctant readers. She tackles the hard topics that can help spark conversations, and she writes characters that kids can relate to and see themselves in, which as we know is so, so important. Head over to her Amazon page to check out all her books!

Our Cool Picks of the Week

Kristen: Hammies! (The best shorts ever)

Nicole: How to Love Yourself cards (also available at our affiliate, Amazon), and artisan flatbreads – so versatile!