If you’re like me, you thought that smartphones and tablets would make it a whole lot easier to grab photos and videos of your kids. But while they do make it easier to make memories, actually preserving them and being able to organize and then find them is a whole other story.
Our guest, David Vaskevitch, has a lot to say about this topic, and not just because he’s the CEO of our sponsor, Mylio Photos, a service that can help you do just that. Turns out, he too struggled with keeping up with all of his family photos and videos (and because we are people of a certain age: negatives), all of which had nothing attached to them: no stories, no locations, no nothing. You might have had the same situation happen going through an old photo box in your parents’ basement or attic.
I’ll be honest in that I haven’t really been as concerned about all this until now, with my oldest heading off to college and my second kid only a couple of years away. The idea that I have photos and videos scattered all over the place bugs me… not to mention all the old family photos my mom has packed away that I could potentially lose (or have no story to attach them to).
On this episode, we talk about how important it is to preserve those memories—for us, for our kids, for their kids—and how digital life has complicated that in some way, but also, made it a whole lot easier.
You can listen right now to this episode of Spawned, but make sure you’re a subscriber so that you never miss an episode.
We’re grateful to sponsors like Mylio Photos, who help support the work we do on Spawned. If your photo organization needs a little help, you’re going to be so glad to know about them, especially knowing that David founded the company to help solve a problem of his own. This service can help you organize and preserve photos, videos, and all those digital files that add up to a lifetime of memories.
With Mylio Photos, you get help easily organizing and curating the things that matter to you, the ability to share them privately, and of course, preserve them for your kids and grandkids. And, the best part (well, one of them, anyway) is that it doesn’t matter what platform you use – Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, or Google – Mylio Photos works with them all.
Subscribe to Mylio Photos and you’ll get an unlimited number of photos, videos, documents, and all your devices.
Top Photo by Rajiv Perera on Unsplash