by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
New baby gifts are relatively easy to shop for – unless you’re talking about baby number two. Or three. Or–eek–six. If you’re looking for something for the mom who has it all, you’ve got to stop thinking about must-haves, and start...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
If my daughter had her way, she’d wear her Christmas outfit every single day. However, the fancy silk number just doesn’t fare well with her choice of daily activities. Like, say, spilling things on herself. So, instead of kiboshing her festive spirit,...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
It’s not easy finding The Perfect Gift eight times in a row. No wonder my parents always pushed us to opt for the "one big gift" on Hannukah instead of the eight little ones. Consider your list now reduced to seven. The You’re Such a Bubie gift...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Nothing tickles us more here at Cool Mom Picks when a mom we know personally goes from making cool duds at home to cool duds we can buy ourselves. Such is the case of Debbie, who along with her husband, a professional sportswear designer, has opened the brand new kids...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
For the first time ever, defying all expectations to the contrary, my better half has actually shown interest in one of the kids duds sites we’ve uncovered. Why, you ask? Because the site is Little Ruler, which appeals just to parents just like him–those...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Sometimes I look in the mirror and wonder how a former Doc Maarten-wearing, black lipstick-owning alternachick looks just so…mom. While I’m not going back to those styles any time soon, at least I have a baby to project them onto. That’s why I love...