Oh, okay. Wire hangers.

Oh, okay. Wire hangers.

Normally, wire coat hangers kind of skeeve me out. The way they get all tangled together makes me a crazy person. Therefore, you must understand what it takes for me to fall in love with anything made of wire with a pesky hook on top.These Original Personalized Wire...
14 x 24 inches of Patriotism

14 x 24 inches of Patriotism

With a family of two girls and one boy, decorating a playroom with a gender neutral theme is a bit more complicated than it sounds. But thanks to the new limited edition travel poster series from design studio The Heads of State, I’m no longer at a loss for...
And a very happy vernal equinox to you too

And a very happy vernal equinox to you too

There were many moments over the past three months that I thought it would never happen but, at long last, spring is here. (Once again: SPRING IS HERE!)My girls and I celebrated yesterday with a trip to the small farmer’s market in our neighborhood, oohing and...
The heart–and art–of a mother

The heart–and art–of a mother

One of the most amazing aspects of being speakers and attendees at the recent Mom 2.0 summit, a conference from the collaborative team of Kirtsy and The Tasteful Life, was the joy of attending the launch of the unbelievable Mom 2.0: Defining a Movement Art Exhibit....
A banner year for nursery design

A banner year for nursery design

If you’ve been in the cool kids boutiques, on the design blogs, or heck, on our site lately, you’d know that banners are a hot new nursery trend. And the freethinking coolies at Blik agree.We’ve covered these hip, do-it-awesome-yourself wall decals...
Behold! Willie Wonka’s disco ball.

Behold! Willie Wonka’s disco ball.

If Willie Wonka owned a skating rink, his disco ball would be a Candelier, and the Oompa Loompas would do synchronized skating in Gobstopper suits on a frozen chocolate lake, and…What’s a Candelier? I’m glad you asked.First our favorite imaginative...
Where the wild things art.

Where the wild things art.

I have a cow when my little deers jump on the couch, but I’d be lion if I didn’t confess to fawning over the crazy creatures at WildLifePrints, a fun new shop on Etsy. (Ha sorry, couldn’t resist.)Award-winning photographer Jeff Friesen wanted to meld...
Wallpaper is back, baby

Wallpaper is back, baby

When I hear the word wallpaper, it conjures up really bad images of this odd looking flower pattern that completely covered my bathroom wall growing up. It a nutshell – it scares me. But thanks to advances in technology and design, wallpaper is again becoming a...