by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
If you find manilla, vanilla, add International Arrivals to your bookmarks and check out their modern assortment of file folders, journals, photo albums, and organizational accessories that make a walk through the aisles of Staples seem like a trip back in time. I...
by Mir | Cards + Stationery
The most thoughtful cards are ones you make yourself, I suppose, if you have any sort of artistic ability. If you want a card with a smudged scribble and some glitter on it, I could probably manage that. But when I want to send the very best, I tend to look around for...
by Rita | Cards + Stationery
Want to add an air of permanence to your child’s library? And want to call that stack of chewed books in the corner of her room a library? Here’s how: Bookplates.If you’re a Cool Mom Picks newsletter subscriber, you were just introduced to a whole...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
As my daughter gets older and more capable of making bigger messes, we’re giving her more responsibilities. That means making her bed, clearing her plate, and yes, even writing her own thank-you notes. Granted, she can’t exactly write anything except her...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
I realize that unless someone actually sent me a gift after my babies arrived, then technically speaking, the thank-you should come from the baby – hence all the cutesy thank you cards.But I figure that since I’m the one writing out the darn...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
Some of my fondest memories of lunchtime as a kid involved reaching into my brown paper lunch bag and feeling around between the sandwich and the granny smith apple for a surprise note from my mom, replete with her trademark curly-haired happy face sign-off....
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
Frequent CMP readers know that whoo-hoo! is about our most favorite phrase in the whole wide world. Whoo-hoo you won a free stroller! Whoo-hoo we’re featured in Real Simple Magazine! Whoo-hoo we just discovered the best ever cupcakes and ate all 12 of them in...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
I had my fair share of hearty chuckles after discovering Motherhood with Attitude’s hilarious greeting cards last year. So when co-owner Janalee Chmel clued me in to their new Thank You Card Box Set, it’s no wonder I nearly peed my pants again....
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
Some of us are party-throwers, and some of us are party-goers. I’m in the latter category; just the thought of planning a guest list has me biting off my nails. However, the custom invitations from 1st Comes Love are so wonderful that they’ve got me...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
As a WAHM/SAHM with a fairly good memory, I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve gone without a date book for the last four years. But now that I’m running a business and adding kid number three, my brain just can’t hack it anymore. So I’ve...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
I may have several drawers full of stationery, but that doesn’t mean I’m particularly good about keeping in touch; I rarely get a chance to sit down at my kitchen table and put pen to paper without constant interruptions. But when I’ve got plenty of...
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
Call me old-fashioned, but I love the idea of calling cards. Problem is, I have different contact information for different people. It really ruins the elegance of handing over a calling card when I have to scrawl corrections on it first. The fill-in-the-blank line of...