A plate filled with love

A plate filled with love

Of course we want to make sure that each and every mom is treated like the goddess she is on Mother’s Day, but it’s also important to make sure that grandmas are not overlooked. After all, they had a little something to do with each of us being parents,...
The digital clutch is the new designer purse

The digital clutch is the new designer purse

I am a pretty practical mom who would rather carry my stuff in a classic black handbag over my shoulder that I can use for years, but that doesn’t stop me from adoring the stylish digital clutch netbooks that are starting to crop up in the tech world.Designer...
Practicing safe electronics

Practicing safe electronics

My beloved new MacBook is now as much a part of my kitchen table as the napkin stand but, in such a high-traffic spot, my laptop is in constant danger of a small person dribbling a juice box over the keys. Instead of constantly playing defense, I now use protection...
Prayers for the modern mama

Prayers for the modern mama

The short, tongue-in-cheek “prayers” you’ll find in Tracy Mayor’s Mommy Prayers are perfect for believers and non-believers alike. Because no matter our faith, we can all agree that yes, we’ve all recited some version of the Before the...
Oh, okay. Wire hangers.

Oh, okay. Wire hangers.

Normally, wire coat hangers kind of skeeve me out. The way they get all tangled together makes me a crazy person. Therefore, you must understand what it takes for me to fall in love with anything made of wire with a pesky hook on top.These Original Personalized Wire...