by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
Ever wonder what a butterfly is worth on the black market? According to Alastair Reid, author of A Balloon for a Blunderbuss, quite a bit. Especially if you trade it for a bigger thing and then a bigger thing and then an army. Or any island. Maybe even the world. If...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
The Way Back Home, written and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers, is the most randomly appealing book I’ve read. For one thing, the main character discovers an airplane in his closet on the second page. For another, he gets stuck on the moon with a Martian who looks...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
Self-obsessed much? Despite my best efforts, my daughter is. Thanks to our video camera, she’s been watching movies of herself for years. And oh, they are her favorites. Now, thanks to Frecklebox’s personalized Nature Namebook, she can see her own name...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
We realize that a good book, be it for your own weary eyes or your kid’s, can be pretty hard to come by these days. So, lucky for you, we’ve rounded up all our past and present book picks into one CMP Book Club and put them all our shop page. Whether...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
Despite my husband and my efforts to foist sidewalk chalk and softball bats on my daughter, she prefers the sparkly, the frilly, and the delicate. I’ve often changed the words to fairy tales while reading them to her because they seem so dang sexist. Enter...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
I’m fascinated by tales from other parts of the world, and being from Iowa, equally fascinated by all deer not on the grill of my car.Tenzin’s Deer by Barbara Soros is lyrically written and illustrations from Danuta Mayer keep little squirmers glued to the...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
I am such a crazy Mo Willems stalker-fan that when I heard I missed meeting him at Toy Fair this year by about 30 seconds I nearly cried. His collection of children’s books are this generation’s Dr. Seuss or Curious George. Willems’ newest release in...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
The Gigantic Turnip, the classic Russian folktale retold by Alexsei Tolstoy with Niamn Sharkey’s amazing illustrations, had me at its cover. I want to paint my house with the color palette, and I think I’d like to frame a picture of the old man’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
We’re big fans of Chinese zodiac-themed items for unique baby gifts. Although let’s face it, this lunar year being the year of the rat doesn’t inherently provide as many cute options as say, the year of the monkey or the year of the pig. One gift...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
I love books for my kids that are interactive. And I don’t mean pressing a button to activate some evil voice chip which shouts commands like FIND THE LETTER T! More like Who’s Hiding, a favorite new staple of our children’s bookshelf.Each page is...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
They claim to be a "new concept in kid’s entertainment," but in saying as much, I think Giddio has sold themselves short. Their audio adventures may indeed be new, but the concept itself is old, and I mean that in the best possible way: These are...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Kids
My three-year-old daughter (the little angel) has entirely too many dumb books, which is killing me softly, because why waste time on dumb books ever in your life? My problem: Only children’s boutique bookstores have the right level of selection, and libraries...