Scribble Me This

Scribble Me This

If I have to draw one more cat or tree or apple on demand for my daughter, I think I might just lose it. Let’s just say I’m best equipped for being the guesser at Pictionary. But thanks to Taro Gomi’s amazing Scribbles: A Really Giant Coloring and...
For Babies With a Taste For Reading

For Babies With a Taste For Reading

While others may look at the gnawed corners of our board books and question my kids’ fiber intake, I prefer to view it as…evidence of their affection for the printed word. But sadly, some of our books have been adored beyond repair. So I was intrigued by...
Say My Name, Say My Name

Say My Name, Say My Name

As a certifiable word nerd, I’m not a fan of children’s books that seem to be written by marketers and not authors. While I like a good gimmick as much as the next parent, I also want a book that’s worth reading once you get beyond the “look...
Pavarotti Lives On

Pavarotti Lives On

The passing of opera great Luciano Pavarotti this week has taken a wee bit of sunshine out of the world. In his honor, we found the Barefoot Book of Stories From the Opera by Shahrukh Husain, at one of our favorite publisher’s sites. The book tells the stories...
“Who Effed Up The Toys???”

“Who Effed Up The Toys???”

I can’t take credit for the headline – it’s was written by my friend Karen as the subject of an email she sent yesterday, alerting us all to yet another toy recall. I’m ready to just dump anything in the toy chest that wasn’t made by hand...
The Many Colors of Babies

The Many Colors of Babies

As a bi-racial woman raising a multi-racial child in a homogenous suburban neighborhood, it’s challenging to provide my daughter with a wide range of cultural experiences. In plain speak: All the kids are white!Whilebooks and magazines aren’t a replacement...
Can You Count the Potholes, Sweetie?

Can You Count the Potholes, Sweetie?

I have not been a mom all that long and already I’m tired of the same old images in counting and alphabet books. 10 apples, 9 bananas, 8 ducks…how about 1 snoring mommy? So I love the fresh take on counting in photographer Joanne Dugan’s 123 NYC: A...
Book Snob Heaven

Book Snob Heaven

My family and I are serious book lovers. Okay, we’re full-out snobs. We only have eyes for the worthwhile page-turners and even my toddler has learned to resist the call of the flashy but content-lite pages in the bargain bins and head straight for the award...
The Highlight of Their Month

The Highlight of Their Month

My daughter is a freak for magazines — heck, she’ll even spend hours with the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. So, when I found out about Highlight’s new 2-5 yearpublication, High-Five, I knew it would be a big hit. Featuring the same great fiction,...


Although I’m a straight-up English speaker (with a little French thrown in on those really bad days — ahem), I’ve always thought it would be wonderful for my daughter to learn another language. Most folks say that starting early is the best way to go...
Wait, So Not All Poems Rhyme?

Wait, So Not All Poems Rhyme?

Once in a while, I sit down to review something for CMP and have trouble with it. Not for lack of words, but because my daughter has somehow gotten her hands on the item and refuses to give it back. This was the case with Poetry Speaks to Children. In the spirit of...