A Reusable Swim Diaper. For Real.

A Reusable Swim Diaper. For Real.

We’re year-round pool goers in this family, and the water-worshipping indoctrination starts early. Out of the womb and into the pool, I say. That is, once I’ve gotten you out of your diaper, out of your clothes, into your swim diaper, and into your suit....
Play Mats Fit For Trust Fund Babies

Play Mats Fit For Trust Fund Babies

Well it’s about time that someone created the high-end, fancy pants, gorgeous version of all those ubiquitous fugly play mats. Here the honor goes to Plain Mary, creator of the Kensington Baby Play Mat. And it is indeed very fancy. Did I mention it’s...
The Medela Freestyle: Holy Heck, It Actually Works

The Medela Freestyle: Holy Heck, It Actually Works

You’ll never guess what I was doing while I typed this post. Even if you guess, you’ll never believe it. I didn’t believe it either.I was pumping. Given my dubious relationship with my old breast pump, which caused total work stoppage (and parental...
A play mat without the ugly

A play mat without the ugly

When I was expecting, I dutifully put a tummy time play mat on my registry. It came complete with lights, music and hanging rattles, and to be honest, it was slightly less than beautiful and slightly more than stimulating. If I had only known about the awesome play...
Shopping Cart Covers You Don’t Want to Cover

Shopping Cart Covers You Don’t Want to Cover

We are considering starting a category in the CMP archives called "If You’re Freaked Out By Germs…" There are seemingly more high chair and shopping cart covers out there than people actually using them. Perhaps because most of them are so ugly,...