Just the facts, Ma’am. On a onesie.

Just the facts, Ma’am. On a onesie.

I love to relive my kids’ momentous birth day with my husband, my kids and pretty much anyone who will listen. (Admit it–I’m not alone here.) So for all of us who are birth date obsessed, we’ve found a pretty cool keepsake. These adorable birth...
Baby clothes with magnets = Magnificent!

Baby clothes with magnets = Magnificent!

I couldn’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve mis-snapped my baby’s onesies and sleepers during a middle of the night diaper change. Heck, I’ve even done it during the day. And now, since finding Magnificent Baby, I’m seriously...
Twin sets for babies of type geeks

Twin sets for babies of type geeks

I have quite a few friends who are mothers of twins, so I’ve always got my eye out for cute twin tees that aren’t the same old same old. And yes, they do exist. [don’t miss a nice offer after the jump!] Case in point: The wonderful Twin Baby onesies...
Cool aunts deserve some lovin’ too

Cool aunts deserve some lovin’ too

The adorable personalized baby onesies from Mitetees are some of our favorite baby shower gifts around here, and they’ve impressed us again, this time with their brand new line of onesies just for the cool aunts of the world.[don’t miss the giveaway and...
Geeks of the world unite! Then, breed.

Geeks of the world unite! Then, breed.

Back in my day, kids wore My dad can beat up your dad shirt (well, certain kids) and they were considered oh so hilariously irreverent. We’ve certainly come full circle since then, haven’t we, because the new hilariously irreverent kids are declaring My...
Rainbow Bright vs. the zombies

Rainbow Bright vs. the zombies

“My baby will never wear pink,” I once said. But I had to eat those words when I discovered that all those gender neutral onesies in melon, lemon, and lime made my darling, olive-skinned daughter look like a zombie. And I have pics to prove it. If only I...
Patently cool.

Patently cool.

In 2009 in the US, there were over 200,000 patent applications and over four million births. Clearly, we are a very creative country, if you get my meaning.So if you know a one-of-a-kind baby, we’ve got a great gift idea: Celebrate enterprise, ingenuity, and...