by Elizabeth | Uncategorized
I’m off to the park and I have my twelve-month-old in one arm, diaper bag on my shoulder, another hand holds the sand toys, my three-year-old needs my hand to get down the stairs and maybe we’ll need a blanket to sit on… wait, I’m out of hands....
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
I’ve learned that as my kids get older, they will have plenty of time to use their decked out backpacks with the 400 pockets and zippers. And I’ll have lots of chances to clean them out. But for my little preschooler, I’m digging the new simple...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
It’s 104 degrees outside, and you know what that means: back to school and our annual Back to School Shopping Guide! We know– it doesn’t make much sense. But we also know that the next few ultra-sunny weeks will require new clothes, shoes, backpacks,...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
We’ve long adored the cute, unique little kid backpacks from Little Packrats (now PVC-free, by the way!), but now that some of our little kids are turning into big kids, we’re glad that they’ve added some new bags just for them. The new bigger bags...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
I can’t believe I’m already looking at back to school items for my kids, but that I am. So I checked in to see if last year’s CMP find, Dabbawalla Bags, was doing anything new for 2010. And that they are. Good stuff too! I adore this Union Jack lunch...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, School Gear
We’re huge fans of the Dante Beatrix backpacks for almost too many reasons to mention–the eco-friendly materials, the perfect toddler sizing, the adorable designs. How’s that for a start?Now the company is simply named Beatrix NY. And to celebrate...