by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
Celebrities! They’re just like us! They get coffee at Starbucks, they wear sweats to the grocery store, and… they read books. Of course, it’s not like we can just give every one of our favorite movie stars, authors, and television personalities a...
by Kate Etue | Books for Adults
In my opinion, a good book is a great gift. And since you’re probably shopping for Mom this week (but hurry!), I’d recommend you stop by your local bookstore to take a peek at What I Told My Daughter by Nina Tassler. This collection of essays about raising...
by Christina Refford | Fashion
One of the coolest gift ideas I’ve ever seen for bibliophiles — besides another book, of course — is Litographs’ literary tees that beautifully transpose the text of your favorite novel and print it, in its entirety, across a cotton tee (trust...
by kristin | Uncategorized
By this point in the school year, my kids know not to expect the sorts of lunchbox love notes they got from me daily in September. But there are a few days on the calendar that inspire me to scribble something special to surprise them: Valentine’s Day (of course), St....
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults
We can never have enough irreverent books about parenting to keep us laughing, amirite? If you’re with me, you have to check out the brand new, very dark and very hilarious Hurts Like a Mother: A Cautionary Alphabet, by Jennifer Weiss and Lauren Franklin, out...
by Kristen Chase | Books for Adults
If you loved the best-selling Sh*tty Mom book as much as we did when it came out four years ago, you will be as excited as we were to get our hands on its much-anticipated sequel, out just this week. If you couldn’t guess it from the title alone, Sh*tty Mom For...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults, DIY
Just when you think you’ve seen every adult coloring book concept on the planet, along comes another made just for moms — or those who love them. My Mother, My Heart: A Joyful Book to Color is so much more beautifully designed than I, admittedly, was...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults
We’ve been friends and fans of Asha Dornfest, and her brilliant website Parent Hacks, for a full decade, since we both got started at the very same time. In fact, if you click that link, you’ll see we first touted the brilliance of her site back in April...
by Christina Refford | Books for Kids
Anyone of us parents who can still recite the Preamble to the Constitution thanks to the animated shorts of Schoolhouse Rock knows how much kids can learn (and retain) when information is presented in the right way, a.k.a, learning without realizing you’re...
by Christina Refford | Storage + Organization
It was with immense excitement that I ordered Marie Kondo’s newest book, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up. After all, it’s been a year since I wrote about her first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up:...