by Christina Refford | Books for Kids
Though my kids are mildly amused by the stories of my youth (what do you mean, there was no internet?), they are much more fascinated by stories about kids from faraway lands. So I’m excited to find a new series of globe-trotting books that offers my kids a...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Books for Kids
These days, there’s so much intolerance in the world, it’s dismaying. As a mom, I try to counteract the negative messages out there by teaching my kids to celebrate diversity, and by taking time as a family to learn about cultures and religions different...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Doing Good
I panic whenever it’s time for teacher gifts. How many apple mugs does one person need? Does she have food allergies? Will the collection of Starbucks gift cards send him spiraling into caffeine-induced madness?But here’s one gift that’s beautiful,...
by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
I remember sitting down at my very first PTA meeting, excited for my daughter to enter kindergarten at a wonderful public school, until I heard these words:It looks like we’ll have to cancel the dance program this year. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. As a...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
From saving your gadgets to saving your sanity, here are a few of our favorite picks from the past week, just in case you missed them. 1. Our very favorite developer is back with a brilliant new kids’ app that rocks. Literally. 2. If you need a good laugh,...
by Christina Refford | DIY
When my kids were really young, they loved to tell me long, adorably nonsensical stories about just about anything that crossed their minds. Now that they’re a bit older, I miss their elaborate tales. These days, it’s easy for tech-savvy kids to lose...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
During this back-to-school season, it can be kind of easy to forget that there are some kids in the world who don’t go to school at all. But you can help–all with the purchase of a super-cool bookbag or backpack from an amazing company. After a trip to...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
These days, there’s just no way we could head back to school without a little (okay, a lot of) help from technology. That’s why we’ve put together our second annual Cool Mom Tech Back to School Guide, which launched this week. You’ll find tons...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
For all the complaining I do about the tiny bricks scattered all over the living room floor, I adore LEGO bricks for how much they fully engage my kids even more than the latest video game. So we’re delighted to you a very Happy 80th Birthday. Based on how much...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
If you’ll be doing some packing before you hit the road this summer, chances are you don’t want the kids to help too much, lest you end up with six pairs of socks and no pants in their suitcases. So try channeling their I can help! persistence...