Happy Birthday LEGO cakeFor all the complaining I do about the tiny bricks scattered all over the living room floor, I adore LEGO bricks for how much they fully engage my kids even more than the latest video game. So we’re delighted to you a very Happy 80th Birthday. Based on how much you are still loved, I suspect you’ll be as relevant in another eighty years as you are today.

So today, we’re rounding up some of our favorite LEGO picks over the past years.  Christina

[see more of favorite picks and resources for cool LEGO things after the jump]

LEGO Architecture
LEGO Monsters

We’ve covered LEGO on Cool Mom Picks probably more than any other mainstream toy company, and who can blame us? With toys for architecture fans, LEGOS just for monster lovers, and even a LEGO Pad game that merges toy with technology, there’s something for anyone old enough to keep the pieces out of their mouth.

LEGO Friends

On the fence about the new LEGO Friends sets for girls? Our editor Liz helped a lot of readers with a really thoughtful assessment of them. (And psst..boys will like them too.)

Swoop Bags for toy storage

One of our favorite LEGO picks of all time: the Handmade SWOOP Bag which makes them super easy to store and clean up.

LEGO as math teaching tool

Using LEGOs to teach math – what a clever idea! You’ll find it on our Everything LEGO Pinterest board which really pushes the brick-building envelope with LEGO shoes, LEGO wigs and even M.C. Escher art that we’ve found around the web. Whoa.

MC Escher Art made of LEGO

You’ll find all of our LEGO posts in one handy place when you check out our Collection page for all things LEGO.

And don’t miss this LEGO video,
which recaps the history of the company, and is also a fascinating and
poignant look at the people who created this much-loved company. Happy
Birthday LEGO!