Paging Dr. Mom

Paging Dr. Mom

Seems like every time my girls and I hit the neighborhood playground, there’s a mini injury of some sort. We’ve had the bee sting, the bloody nose, the scraped knee, and the invisible boo-boo that needs more TLC than Neosporin. You know the one. The...
Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why

Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why

It doesn’t seem that long ago that when someone mentioned The Rules, my mind leaped to “don’t accept a Friday date on a Thursday.” As opposed to, “no eating the cat litter, kids.” How quickly things change. The By Order of the...
Still Washing Those Pacifiers, Eh

Still Washing Those Pacifiers, Eh

While I’m a big proponent of pacifiers, picking them up off the ground every four seconds stinks. Especially when you’re in that early stage where you actually still wash the thing off instead of just wiping it on your jeans. The Keep-it-Kleen self-closing...