by Mir | Kitchen + Dining
Those of you with little ones probably cannot imagine the day when your tween despairingly announces that her glasses make her look like “a total dork,” but I’m here to tell you that it happens. And suddenly your kid is big enough to wear contact...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Food + Recipes
So what do I have in common with some of the coolest celebrity moms in America? And no, it’s not rock-hard abs; it’s an appreciation of Organically Raised: Conscious Cooking for Babies and Toddlers, an intriguing new “cookbook with a...
by Kristen Chase | Helpful Services
Some like Epicurious, some prefer But me, I tend to head straight to Chef Google when I need help finding a specific recipe, even though it takes a decent amount of time to nail down something that’s quick, simple, and kid-friendly. But then I...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Luckily, my kid’s not as clumsy as I am. But lately, she keeps hoping to have a minor accident, because she knows I have two new boxes of super sweet kids bandages by Ouchies Jr.Although we select cereal and crackers based on nutritional facts, we buy adhesive...
by Kristen Chase | Food + Recipes
Well, call me a sucker for a cute dad with a British accent who knows his way around a chef’s knife, but Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution has singlehandedly changed my Friday nights. And much much more.Oliver is best known for his previous TV series, The...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Food + Recipes
I will admit it: I was not one to puree my own baby food. Ever. It always seemed like a fabulous idea and I envied those moms who did, but as a working mom it was just more effort than I had the energy for. Fortunately, there are great organic brands out there like...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Doing Good, Food + Recipes
Michelle Obama may be known for her sculpted arms, but her commitment to health and exercise goes a lot deeper. Last week, the First Lady introduced a new initiative, Let’s Move!, which is supported by the newly created Partnership for a Healthier America. Their...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
As the New York City taxpayer amongst us, I felt it my sworn duty (so help me Bloomberg) to try the New York Pizza flavor Pirate’s Booty recently introduced by Robert’s Gourmet. You know, the beloved makers of all-natural treats for parents looking to...